Anyone who follows Sally will know what a treasure chest of warmth, wit and wonderful ideas she is. Through her Instagram channel @GettingStuffDoneInHeels, she is a perfect source of aspirational interiors content blended with style, humour and infectious positivity. Sally is an influencer who creates narratives personal to her and in doing so has grown and kept a devoted fanbase across many sectors and within different generations.
As a mum of three grown boys, her springer Molly and Margot the cat, nothing phases Sally. Living behind a pink front door in the Surrey countryside, not all days have been rosy for the Hurman family. She continues to support her husband through blood cancer and is an incredible ambassador for DKMS UK, the Stem Cell register.
“I love the online community that I am a part of, I love learning about other people’s lives (basically I’m nosy) and I have always said that Instagram is full of the nicest people I have n(ever) met. I am a serial furniture shuffler. I always see the funny side of things and I am particularly partial to a minty Club biscuit.”- Sally.
Sally has worked with Joules, Readly, Ryvita, White Company, M&S, Regatta Great Outdoors, to name a few.
Head to Sally's website to learn more about her.
To work with Sally, get in touch with team Label at talent@labelpr.com.